Book review: Clemency Pogue

Clemency Pogue: Fairy Killer (Clemency Pogue #1)Clemency Pogue: Fairy Killer by J.T. Petty

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I’m secretly thrilled there appears to be more Clemency Pogue stories. I happened across this book in the children’s section of the library while I was trying to reign in my own children. After reading the first five pages, I had to check to see if it was indeed a children’s book because the language is geared more toward adults. This book begs to be read aloud, though I wouldn’t be able to keep a straight face.

The similes are, well, judge for yourself. This was one of my favorites: “A plan like a cheap raincoat, horrible and irreversible.” Irreversible raincoats are, in fact, horrible, so I think it hits the mark.

There’s more of that where that came from.

Would I read this again? Probably when my children are older I’d subject them to this hilarity.

At its core, the book is about an ordinary girl named Clemency who gets attacked by a mean fairy, and she starts screaming that she doesn’t believe in fairies so the attacker dies. Except…she disrupts the entire fairy world by killing off more fairies than she intends. A “delightful” hobgoblin tells her what she has done, and Clemency goes around the world – several times – to set things right again.

View all my reviews

Welcome, December.



I wish I could say my conspicuous absence during November was because I managed to hide away and write for NaNo, but, alas, I didn’t participate this year. [Okay, I managed to write 5,000-something words, but it was only during the first couple hours of the first day.] Instead, I helped a friend edit his manuscript for publication, which was a great experience! I had the extra bonus of getting a chance to read his work, which is always a treat. You can pre-order the book here.

I’m refocusing my energies toward December goals now to see what I can knock off this never-ending to-do list before the ball drops on New Year’s Eve.

  1. Collaborate with one of my best friends to create magic, also known as a trans-Atlantic literary press.
  2. Write four short stories to submit to three anthologies, one of which I’m putting together.
  3. Officially launch my editing website.
  4. Register for the teaching certificate test.
  5. Figure out my life for 2017.

Okay, that last one is only kind of a goal. (I’m still hopelessly lost when it comes to next year, though, and I think I’m okay with that for now.) The year isn’t over yet. There are still thirty-one days to weave some magic and put out some literary vibes.